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Majic Fuel Treatrment Pellets

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:11 am
by blueldr
Since I'm unable to comment on the "Hangar" forum, I'll post it here.
In reference to the "Majic Fuel Treatment Pellets" subject on the
"Hangar"forum, doesen't it just make you sick to realise the utter stupidity of all those of all those highly educated and grossly over paid engineers at Ford, G.M., Chrysler, et al. They have wasted literly untold millions of dollars trying to raise the CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) a few miles per gallon in their cars.
With any brains at all, they would simply have put a few of these " Fitch Fuel Catalyst" pellets in each car and all their problems would be solved. During my lifetime of over eighty years, these same guys have,in cahoots with the oil companys,have managed to completely suppress the " Four Hundred Mile PerGallon" carburetor that we all know is somewhere out there.